terça-feira, 29 de janeiro de 2013

On Sunday Afternoon

Sometimes i stop on time,
i perceive that everything is terrible.
I'm a dreamer. But i'm not the only one.
Everything what i see around me
is a beautiful place.
But i don't know why
 i cannot have all i wish.

I don't know if i do bad things,
but sometimes the sadness come to me
and put my heart to down.
Tears run on my face.
Wound heart, Dreams is over.
I'm a looser.

When the world give you the backs,
you have to show them that you're the best.
Remember what i'm saying here,
You don't need anyone to feel yourself happy.
On sunday afternoon, hapiness was drinking a apple juice.

A voice came inside of my head,
saying me i'm not a looser
you have to keep yourself  this way
that one day you'll find out what you were always looking for
in your whole life.

segunda-feira, 21 de janeiro de 2013

Uma mente Adolescente

Se eu escolhesse esse caminho;
o errado dos meus pais,
mas o certo aos meus;

Como seria?
Como estaria?

Morto? Feliz?
Não sei.
Errado ou certo
rola o isentivo de experimentar o proibido.

O novo. O legal.
O descolado. Ser o maioral.

Dinheiro e Diversão.

Saber ser criança;
Arte que não me dou bem.
Ficando mais velho
Mas com a cabeça tão aluada.
Será o medo de crescer? Responsabilidade? Compromisso?
Vai saber.! 

Normal se arrepender do que não foi experimentado,
apenas rola duvidas.
Do que vai ser? Do que seria?
Futuro algo que a Deus pertence
E á nós aceitar.
Viver a vida perigosamente.
E ai, Vai arriscar?!

quinta-feira, 17 de janeiro de 2013



Que não seja mais um Idiota ;
Que não seja mais um iludido;
Que não seja apenas mais um;
Que tudo isso seja apenas um mito.


Que seja boba;
Que seja risonha;
Que seja verdadeira;
Que seja fantasia. (minha)


Que sejamos lembrados;
Que sejamos amor;
Que sejamos amantes
Sem ver a quem, apenas amor.

quinta-feira, 10 de janeiro de 2013

Bad News

oday a bad news came like a stone
in my head, Bad things usually happens, but maybe It could never happen to me. I’d like to know if this things will happen again and again to me.
I want to make new choice, I want to do something more
Because I’ve been working so hard,
planed a lots of thing.
It doesn’t make sense,
no, it doesn’t make sense.
Cause I used to be tough,
dreaming  a lots of thing.
Doing a thousand stuffs
but what happened?
what happened to me?

Is the only thing I can say.
because I don’t know
Why it often happen like this?.

quinta-feira, 3 de janeiro de 2013


Ok, that's all.
I don't give a fuck what you're talking about,
I know my own truth and i'll follow it without think twince.
Doesn't matter what happens.
I'm pretty cool and it is nice.
You cannot think the same as me
But i don't give a shit. what you're talking.
I hear a lots of jokes about me
These bitches man
he Cant see me getting better than him.
That moment is too much pretty cool, i cannot lose it all,dude.
I've been working so hard on it,
For an asshole make jokes on me.
i want screaming and shouting on your face motherfucker.
screaming and shouting on your face.
i want screaming and shouting on your face motherfucker.
screaming and shouting on your face.